Monday, September 16, 2024

The News Goes 3D on YouTube

Last week, we took a look at YouTube’s testing of 3D videos after a thread was spotted in the YouTube Help Center where an employee was discussing the concept. This was part of his “20%” time.

The idea of 3D videos of course opens up the possibility of a very interesting future for the world’s most popular video site. In fact, it hasn’t taken long for that future to begin to materialize. While YouTube is likely still very far from meeting the potential it could reach within the 3D realm, the company is already highlighting one interesting utilization of it.

Today the CitizenTube Blog points to what it says may be the first news report shot in 3D. “After hearing about YouTube’s new 3D feature last week, CTV SWO, the Southwestern Ontario regional branch of Canadian broadcaster CTV, produced this story about a pig farmer rally,” says Olivia on the blog. Here is that video:

The embedded video shows the double left/right view by default, but if you click through to the actual video page on YouTube, you will find the other 3D viewing options as described in the previous post. There are 12 options.

The idea of watching 3D videos on YouTube is pretty cool, but what about making them? CTV SWO shows how they accomplished the making of the video above in this making-of clip.

I would imagine that we will start seeing a lot of these 3D videos popping up in the near future. That means it’s probably about time to pick up some 3D glasses to keep on hand.

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