Friday, September 20, 2024

Inaugural Google Maps Mashups Everywhere

Yesterday, we looked at different places around the Internet to get your inauguration coverage. Today Google is sharing a few Google Maps mashups that are out there.

The first one is “Your View of History” from CNN. It maps “iReports,” and features CNN photos and videos. It will be updated throughout the day. CNN also has one for Obama’s “Whistle Stop” Train Tour.

Next is a mashup from, featuring on-the-scene updates from Washington D.C. “Oprah’s producers and journalist Lisa Ling are in D.C. to meet people and visit the inauguration hotspots,” explains Michael Pegg at the Google Lat Long Blog. “They have made use of Google Maps to plot their adventures and map streaming videos from their interviews with the big celebs and ordinary folks alike. Click “Start watching exclusive, around-the-clock videos from Washington, D.C.!” to launch the Google Maps view.” has one called “TimeSpace: Inauguration” that will geocode real-time photos, videos and blog posts from over 30 photographers and videographers and over 40 reporters.

And finally, the Wall Street Journal has one called “The Journal Guide to the Obama Inauguration” that showcases a guide to events and other things around the area.

If you need some more places to watch Inauguration coverage, you can find them here. On another Inauguration note, there are no special logos from Google or Yahoo.

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