Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Inauguration Around the Net


As the wireless networks prepare for inauguration traffic jam, there are plenty of ways that users will be utilizing the Internet to stay up to date on their inauguration coverage, just as they did with the election.

Of course Hulu has it covered, and has even gone so far as to provide an embeddable countdown:

Other destinations that will have coverage in one form or another include: Joost, Comcast.net, ABCNews, MSNBC, CNN, C-SPAN, Livestation, USAToday, NYT, and Terra. It can be watched via mobile devices with Verizon V Cast, AT&T Mobile TV or MobiTV, and the iPhone Ustream application (thanks Om Malik for providing a list).

CNN is also partnering up with Facebook. “What will your Facebook status say when Obama becomes President? CNN.com and Facebook are partnering to enable you to update your status, and follow your friends’ updates, while you watch the inauguration live online, all on http://cnn.com/live,” reads an event description on the social network. Twitter’s got a thing too.

Facebook Inauguration Event

Google has taken it upon itself to share some helpful maps that may be of use if you are actually in or on your way to D.C. They talk about those in this post at the Google Lat Long Blog.

Inauguration Map

Speaking of Google, Matt Cutts will be attending the inauguration. He’s already in D.C. and while I have not seen any promises from him to provide his own coverage of the event, I would not be surprised to see something come from him.

It will be a historic day on a number of levels, and you can add this continuation of the technology used throughout Obama’s entire campaign to the list. Please feel free to share other sources of Inauguration-related content in the comments.

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