Saturday, September 7, 2024

Increase your Response Rate Automatically

How’s business? Could be better, right? You could be making that “six figure income” you hear about, but right now it’s just not happening. For too many people, the dream of making a great income online is just that – a dream.

How can you turn the situation around and not work yourself to death in the process? The answer is AUTOMATION – pure and simple. This the real secret behind the successful people. They use automation to multiply their efforts.

When they write an article, an email program sends hundreds of copies, individually addressed and personalized, to all the ezines that may publishing

Everything you do must be turned into an automatic process. When a persons requests a free report, software tool, etc., make subscribing to your newsletter a one-click option. Make it a simple checkbox on the request form. After a requested item is delivered, let automated follow-up message help close the sale.

Make the ordering process completely automated, no matter how much effort it takes at the beginning! Make it easy! Include any needed instructions right on the order form. For digital products such as ebooks, paid ads and other digital goods or services, deliver them instantly at any hour of the day or night.

When a prospect becomes a customer, IMMEDIATELY terminate the sequence of sales messages for the item they just bought and start a new one. This must be automatic and transparent to the customer. They’ve just bought from you; now they’re getting a friendly support message, a free bonus, etc.

Follow up quickly with another product offer. They’re likely to buy something else from you, now that they’ve gotten excellent treatment (fast service, unexpected bonuses, etc.).

If you’ve had questions from customers about your product or service, answer them on a FAQ page on your site. Add the answers to the support emails your customers get after the sale. You’ll saves time as well as project a terrific image.

Track the responses to all your advertising; you can’t afford to spend money or time running an ad that doesn’t pull. Use a paid service, a free service or create your own system. But it must be automated. Either get daily reports by email or have a web page where you can get a report.

I have a confession to make. I’m not a “CGI whiz” or a “Perl master”. I just learned to use these tools as part of making a living online.

“Never give up. Never surrender.” – Galaxy Quest

Steve Humphrey promises that you can learn to use CGI to turn
your own website into a marketing machine in two hours or less
with his excellent CGI learning system: “Learn to Use CGI in 2
Hours.” We highly recommend this book as required reading for
anyone who wants to automate their website or their marketing
efforts. Click here for immediate access:

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