Friday, September 20, 2024

Hulu is Seeing Record Numbers

comScore Video Metrix has released its monthly look at the performance of online video content properties. As usual, Google sites dominate the picture, largely because of YouTube, which gets 99% of Google’s video views.

The real story, however, is that Hulu is achieving record numbers. The site ranked number 2 (though significantly behind Google with 3.1% market share compared to Google’s 37.7) during the month of October, with an all time high of 856 million videos viewed.

On top of that, the average Hulu viewer watched 20.1 videos during the month, representing another record for the site. This amounts to about 2 hours of videos per viewer.

Here’s a look at the top ten online video content properties for the month of October:

Video Sites in October

Some other highlights (not Hulu-specific) from comScore’s findings: 

– The top video ad networks in terms of their actual delivered reach were: BrightRoll Video Network with 16.5 percent penetration of online video viewers, Tremor Media Video Network with 15.5 percent, and BBE with 13.6 percent.

– 84.4 percent of the total U.S. Internet audience viewed online video.

– The average online video viewer watched 10.8 hours of video.

– 125.3 million viewers watched nearly 10.4 billion videos on (83.1 videos per viewer).

– 41.1 million viewers watched 313.5 million videos on (7.6 videos per viewer).

– The duration of the average online video was 3.9 minutes.

It is worth noting that Nielsen released some data last week, which put Facebook in third place among video sites, just behind YouTube and Hulu. According to them, Facebook had about 217.8 million streams in October. Make of that what you will.

Related Articles:

> Facebook Catapults Into Third Place Among Video Sites

> Hulu Gets Feet Wet in the Music Video Pool

> YouTube And Hulu See Record High Video Views

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