Friday, September 20, 2024

Facebook Catapults Into Third Place Among Video Sites

When tracking statistics from month to month, we’re often forced to examine very tiny changes, and determining whether they’re significant can be tough.  Facebook just made things easy, jumping from tenth place to third on a list of top video sites in definitely-momentous move.

Facebook racked up about 217.8 million streams in October, according to Nielsen, which put it behind only YouTube (with 6.6 billion streams) and Hulu (with 632.7 billion).  Microsoft’s sites, Yahoo’s sites, and all other sorts of stuff got left behind by a margin of 31.2 million streams or more.

Impressive, right?  And in terms of unique viewers, Facebook did even better, coming in second to YouTube.

Of course, Chris Albrecht noted, “[T]his isn’t too shocking given the nature of short, personal video sharing that goes on on Facebook versus the longer-form viewing that happens on Hulu.  But the social network’s ascendancy should have the Hulu folks on alert.  Facebook already got the early premiere of the NBC (and Hulu owner) show Community earlier this year, and Zuckerberg and Co. could flex their newfound video muscles to snatch even more premium content from the Hulu-gurus.”

Although another seven-place jump is impossible for Facebook, next month’s stats should be worth seeing.

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