Friday, September 20, 2024

LinkedIn Celebrates 3 Million Members In The UK

If you didn’t read or somehow couldn’t guess from the title, LinkedIn’s hit a significant milestone, attracting its 3 millionth member in the UK.  This is a very good sign for the networking site that’s focused on connecting people aside from those who see each other at school or parties every week.

Indeed, LinkedIn made something of a big deal out of the occasion.  Kevin Eyres, the managing director of LinkedIn’s operations in Europe, wrote on the LinkedIn Blog, “To mark hitting yesterday’s special milestone, one of our co-founders Reid Hoffman made a special trip to the UK to personally thank and celebrate with some our members at a networking event (naturally) in central London last night.”

Eyres then continued, “As the conversation flowed it was humbling to see the variety of our membership all in one room; from financiers to software developers, journalists to entrepreneurs and public sector figures to marketers, all these and more were represented from young rising stars to established industry leaders and CEOs.”

Depending on what sort of destination Eyres and Hoffman have in mind, LinkedIn has a ways to go, of course.  On the financial front, Hoffman indicated that an IPO is not in the company’s immediate future.  And in terms of traffic, Facebook hit 3.5 million users in the UK more than two years ago (and has since seen growth skyrocket).

Still, netting 3 million members is an impressive achievement, and Eyres promised that more interesting stuff is on the way.

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