Monday, December 23, 2024


How to Collect Hand-written Signatures on the Intertnet

I always thought it would be useful to collect hand-written signatures via the internet. One day, one of my employers mentioned the same thing.

Keep Customers Coming Back To Your Web Site With Timely, Well-Written E-mail Responses

Countless marketing articles have been published offering advice on how to drive qualified traffic to Web sites. Luring visitors is vital, but how do you encourage prospects and customers to keep coming back?

Defy the Myths, Get Your Book Written–Fast! – Part 1

Why don't you write a book? Most people complain it takes too long. They are too busy. One professional coach said she was not a natural writer. An entrepreneur feared it wouldn't sell, or it would be too much effort. A professional speaker says she is so busy marketing herself, she doesn't know where to find the time to write.

Realize the Power of the Written Word: Web Site Face Lift: Writing Exercises

If your Web site has been up more than a few months, and you haven't gotten any business, consider reconstructing it so it pulls sales. Here are four writing exercises you must do before you hire anyone to lay your site out.

Written Words Help Walk Your Talk

One of the commandments in my free ebook, "The 10 Commandments of Power Positioning" (at, stresses the importance of putting things down in writing. While it may sound somewhat facetious (especially in this overcommunicated, information-overloaded, click-happy, "read-it-as-fast-as-it-shoots-across-your-screen" world), it's not.

Defy the Myths, Get Your Book Written–Fast!

Why don't you write a book? Most professional people complain it takes too long. They are too busy. One professional coach said she was not a natural writer. Another feared it wouldn't sell, or it would be too much effort. A professional speaker says she is so busy marketing herself, she doesn't know where to find the time to write.

I’ve Written An Article…Now What Do I Do?

You've finally done it! You've written your article, looked it over, tweaked it ....and looked it over... again and are ready to publish! Now what?

Natural Writing… Using Your Verbal Style to Create Your Written Style

When I first started writing, I sat down and worked on a small article for nearly a week. The problem was that I couldn't figure out how to squeeze my idea into the 1,500 word limit. I was lost, frustrated, and almost gave up. After some years of work, many rejections, and a lot of determination, I finally figured out how to fine-tune the process and reduce the time involved so that this "writing stuff" would work for me.