Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Internationalizing Without Duplicate Content Worries

The SMX Confernece was in Sydney Australia last week, and one topic discussed by representatives of both Google and Yahoo was that of duplicate content filtering across international domains. Rand Fishkin of SEOmoz notes that while the subject has been discussed in the past, many people including experts in the field have been in the dark.

Judging the Book Without a Cover

With the Unveiling of the newest generation of Amazon Kindle (which began shipping on Monday) bloggers, publishing houses, newspaper editors, and even lumberjacks are thinking: what's next?   It's the second version of the Kindle, a wireless reading device, capable of storing thousands of titles within its svelte design.  

What’s the Web Without Links?

In an age where the web appears to be getting more and more open, with the rise of data portability and everybody sharing stuff with everybody else, it is fascinating to see that a newspaper publisher is suing another one that is linking to its content.

Will Netflix Survive a Future Without DVDs?

There have been questions as to whether or not Netflix will be able to survive the future where DVDs are obsolete. Many don't think they will be able to compete with companies that offer downloadable and streaming movies via set top boxes.

Web Pages I Just Couldn’t Live Without

A year ago I blogged about the 25 sites that were on my Firefox bookmarks toolbar. These represented the 25 sites that I used the most in my day in day out online life. I thought here now one year later I'd refresh this post showing which bookmarks were removed from my toolbar over the past year and which ones were added. I've also added comments on each link. Links removed in the last year.

Penn Busts eBayer Without Auctioneer License

Some Pennsylvania bureaucrats have lost their minds, probably somewhere in the stack of papers their shuffling, after noticing how much money the state was losing by not enforcing an arcane law established long before anybody ever heard of eBay.

Marketers Begin Search For World Without Google

After Google's little message to the link-selling public last week, there seems to be a consensus: It was more of a warning shot than actual penalty, as traffic was not affected; and it is a reminder to diversify.

Google Becoming Wikipedia Without the Talk Page

In a recent post about paid links, Danny Sullivan wrote about how Google's army of engineers are going to start hand editing PageRank scores if they think you are selling links, which is a move that wreaks of desperation.
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