Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Newspaper Websites Pull In 70 Million Visitors In June

Newspaper websites attracted more than 70.3 million unique visitors in June, reaching 35.9 percent of all Internet users, according to a custom report by Nielsen Online for the Newspaper Association of America. News paper website visitors viewed 3.5 billion page views during the month, spending 2.7 billion minutes browsing the sites in more than 597 million sessions.

More People Paying Bills On Bank Websites

More people are paying bills at bank or credit union websites than at individual biller websites, according to a new report from Javelin Strategy & Research. "For the first time, more consumers paid bills via bank sites in the past month rather than biller-direct sites," James Van Dyke, President and Founder of Javelin Strategy & Research said.

State Websites Failing To Provide Details On Stimulus

While some states have created solid websites to provide information about their portion of the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), most are failing to effectively educate taxpayers about the impact of economic stimulus spending, according to a report from Good Jobs First, an economic development research group.

Google Says It Helps Newspaper Websites

Google says it does not misappropriate newspaper content and actually helps them by driving traffic to their Web sites.

Once Again, Websites Not Liable For User Stupidity

Okay knuckleheads, you can’t rely on a website to make sure a girl’s 18. And when you get in trouble because she’s actually 14, it’s not the website’s fault, even if their age verification process is ridiculous.

Websites Add Humor To The Mortgage Crisis

With millions of homeowners falling into foreclosure, real estate agent and Web site creator Lisa LaShawn is taking aim at the mortgage industry with two Web sites that put a humorous spin on an otherwise serious problem.

Time’s 50 Best Websites

Today Time.com is launching its 50 Best Websites for 2008 list. There are some personal favorites represented like Kiva, Mint, and Geni (I like four-letter sites), some I think are premature like Search Me, one or two I think would have been more fitting for 2007 or earlier like Yahoo Answers, and a bunch I haven't heard of and will have to check out soon.Here's a new twist for this year:

Search Engine Pitfalls & Remedies of Redesigning Websites

After a couple of beers and a bit of soul searching on the web planning front my SEO specialist friend and I noticed that many businesses that have new websites aren’t aware of the effects changing of host servers and web page names can have on their search engine ranking. What’s more shocking is that many web developers don’t advise clients about the down side of changing or redesigning web sites, or even recommend best ways of reducing loss of ranking.
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