Tuesday, February 18, 2025


More Americans Watching Online And Mobile Video

Watching video on television, online and mobile devices continues to increase and has reached new levels, according to Nielsen. In its fourth quarter "A2/M2 Three Screen Report," Nielsen found that the average American watches 151 hours of TV per month, an all-time high. Americans who watch video over the Internet consume  another 3 hours of online video per month and those who use mobile video watch nearly 4 hours per month on mobile phones and other devices.

Nielsen: People Watching More TV Than Ever

Americans are gluing themselves to the screen more and more. That includes TV, Internet, and Mobile. According to research from Nielsen, as of the third quarter 2008, the average person in the U.S. watched approximately 142 hours of TV in one month.  In addition, people who used the Internet were online 27 hours a month, and people who used a mobile phone spent 3 hours a month watching mobile video.

IOC Watching China For Internet Censorship During Games

The International Olympic Committee will look into the censorship of the Internet that the media is using to cover the Beijing Olympics.China has pledged to the media that there would be no censorship of the Internet during the Games and rolled back regulations in January that put restrictions on the foreign press.

Former Polish PM Says Online Voting Caters To Beer Drinking, Porn Watching Youth

The former Prime Minister of Poland Jaroslaw Kaczynski says that Polish citizens should not be given the option of voting online."I am not an enthusiast of a young person sitting in front of a computer, watching video clips and pornography while sipping a bottle of beer and voting when he feels like it," Kaczynski said in an interview posted on the Web site of his conservative Law and Justice Party.

More TV Viewers Watching Online Videos

More television viewers are going online to watch videos, films and TV episodes according to a new poll from Harris Interactive.YouTube has expanded its lead as a site for online video viewing, while search engines and TV network sites are holding their own. Online video viewership has increased overall in the past year (81% versus 74%). Approximately 65 percent of the 2,455 U.S. adults surveyed say they have watched a video on YouTube, compared to 42 percent during the same time last year.

Make Your Blog A Superstar by Watching TV

It’s no secret, those with the scoop have a tendency to get all the traffic. If a newspaper gets an inside story, they sell more copies. If a news channel has that one special interview, then they get the viewers. With blogging it’s no different.

Downloading TV Shows Leads To More Watching

CBS has released results of a poll that indicate viewers who download TV shows watch more TV than the average viewer. The poll shows that half of the users downloaded programs they had never seen and later became fans of those programs.

Amazon.com is Watching You

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