Thursday, February 20, 2025


Unique Meta Descriptions

Some time back we reported Google's Advice: Use Meta description Tag. A Search Engine Watch Forums thread intricately expounds the importance of meta description. Whenever for a site: command you see this 'In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 1 already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included'

What Exactly is a Unique Visitor?

What's the difference between a unique visitor and a user? This post will outline the basics. Many people make the mistake of equating the two, and there are some substantial differences. First let's look at how a web analytics package measures a visitor. The first step is to cookie the machine when a user visits it. Once the cookie is set, that machine is considered a unique visitor. Delivers Unique Super Bowl Ad

How far would you be willing to go to score two 50-yard line tickets to the Super Bowl this year? For one Chicago Bears fan the answer is apparently pretty far. Jennifer Gordon is offering the space on her nearly nine month pregnant belly to be used for advertising in exchange for two tickets to the big game.

Unique Selling Proposition: USP for Success

Business management is a topic that receives books and lecture circuits worth of discussion.

IT Sales: What is Your Unique Offering?

What benefits you can give your clients that will be different from the average Joe Consultant?

Unique Online Marketing Opportunities for Marketers

Marketing online has become fiercely competitive. Marketers are attempting to unravel and decipher online marketing to succeed.

How To Develop Your Unique Selling Proposition Using Timing And Color

Every item you advertise, every word and illustration you use becomes a part of your company's image. Your ability to develop a USP (unique selling proposition) depends on your knowing what you want your image to be and then doing those things and only those things that reinforce that image.

Five Unique Ways To Get Free Advertising

1. Give Testimonials When you purchase a product or service and it exceeds your expectations e-mail the business a testimonial. Tell them in the testimonial the benefits you got from the product or service.
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