Wednesday, January 29, 2025


Tweeting Harry Potter

Every time I’m ready to write off the the Internet, it (almost) always redeems itself.

Chad Ochocinco and His Tweeting Ways

The football player formerly known as Chad Johnson is ruffling some feathers with the National Football League. He has told the media that he plans to use Twitter during games. I haven't seen any official statement on this from the NFL itself yet, but sports analysts seem to pretty much agree that it's just dumb.

Tools And Tactics For Professional Tweeting

Though a large percentage of created Twitter lay dormant—one study found 10 percent do 90 percent of the tweeting—that isn’t stopping aggressive and forward thinking marketers from squeezing every last drop of utility out of it. A pair of the top social media and search marketers in the country think the last thing a marketer should do is take Twitter lying down.

Tweeting From The Womb

Update: Corey Menscher, the creator of The Kickbee, left a comment below explaining why he developed The Honeycomb and answered some of your concerns. No you didn't read that wrong, unborn babies can now send Tweets from the womb. Creepy sounding isn't it?

Tweeting vs. Disclaimer Laws

Today the WSJ tells the tale of eBay and its foray into social media that began in April 2008 with a blog then quickly moved to the world of tweets and tweeple in Twitter. The author of much of the content, Richard Brewer-Hay, spent most of the past year pretty well ‘on his own’ with what he was writing in both vehicles then the corporate version of a buzzkill took place.

Kutcher’s Million, Twilight In Paris, and Jury Box Tweeting

People’s search habits on Twitter aren’t so different from their search habits elsewhere; Ashton Kutcher may be the first Twitterer to grab a million followers; and an Arkansas judge says a juror’s reckless tweeting does not warrant a new trial.

Tweeting for Customer Relationship Management has added Twitter support to its Service Cloud offering, which was released earlier in the year. Salesforce breaks down what companies can expect to get out of the service:

The Ins And Outs Of Tweeting

Though the initial, pressing Twitter question a while back wasn’t “what are you doing?” but “what’s the point?” people are finding lots of uses for it. In this installment of the ongoing what-Twitter-is-good-for news brigade, we’ll focus on how people are tweeting their way out of some things and into others. Ready? Good. How to Tweet Your Way Out of Jury Duty
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