Google’s Newspaper Troubles
If you are in the frontline you will get the most bullets. That is how Google's troubles with newspapers worldwide can be explained. Google had only recently reached an agreement with Associated Press to use the latter's content and photos. The latest to hit the headlines is the case with Belgian publishers.
Google Buys Legal Troubles
Knowing that their online video service could not compete with YouTube, Google purchased the company to eliminate competition. They received a surprise bonus in the form of copyright infringement lawsuits filed by owners of pirated videos.
Google Print Troubles UK Childrens Hospital
The latest controversy surrounding Google's ambitious Print for Libraries project, where the aim is digitize and make available online all works of literature, comes after a heart-string tugging plea from a British hospital for terminally-ill children that receives much of its revenue from its copyright of Peter Pan.
Vonage Awash In Legal Troubles Over 911 Service
The state of Connecticut is suing Vonage Holding Corp., an Internet phone service provider for misrepresenting its 911 emergency capacity.