Telcos Lay $200 Billion Goose Egg
The U.S. is ranked 12th in broadband penetration, says AT&T CEO Ed Whiteacre, and in order to bring America up to speed through fiber-to-the-premises (fttp) wiring, content providers are going to have to pony up to use his "pipes." He doesn't mention that the new pipes to be built have already been paid for, and they're very late in coming.
Telcos Up Ante In Net Neutrality Game
Telecoms like Verizon and AT&T have been pushing harder to get their dreams of a two-tiered Internet supported by Congress and content providers.
The Continuous Alarm Bell for Telcos
BBC News interviewed Niklas Zennstrom, the CEO of Skype, on Friday. The wide-ranging interview includes commentary on Zennstrom's early venture with Kazaa and discusses Skype and its impact on traditional telephone services.
What SMS Users Are Telling Telcos
The recent rollout of 3G-ready mobile devices has caused a lot of excitement in the Telco industry, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. This article will highlight the message that current customers are sending through their SMS messaging habits. Many consumers have been used to sending SMS for at least 2 years. Even with its humble typing of tiny keypads and source of simple news channel, SMS is a global phenomenon. Telcos must take time to study what their customers are saying.