Friday, February 7, 2025


What Are We Teaching PR Students?

How to do brochures, throw parties, talk to reporters and write press releases? Or, are we teaching them what PR's fundamental premise says we should be teaching them?

Teaching Large Companies To Think Like The Little Guys

Q: I am an executive at a large company and in our industry we are seeing a trend wherein smaller companies are gaining market share at an alarming rate.

What are you teaching your kids?

If you've ever started a home-based business, your kids noticed. And if you've ever quit. Your kids noticed. If you've kept on though... through rough times and good... they've noticed that as well.

Increase SEO Sales by Teaching Clients about SEO Truths

In private consultations with some Search Engine Optimizers I am always amazed at how many people feel it's necessary to hype things up in order to sell their search engine placement services.

Teaching a lesson on budgets that hits home

A report introduced in 2001 stated that 8.2 million Americans owed more money than they were worth. Simply stated, people just do not understand basic financial principles. This unfortunate epidemic is the result of inadequate training of finances in the home.

What Martha Is Teaching Us

The media is about five minutes away from overkill on the Martha Stewart story, but don't expect that to stop editors and producers from pushing for more Martha stories. The domestic Goddess makes for good ink and exciting television play. A&E, the normally staid entertainment network, is rushing out a Martha program and is promoting it by using sound bites from the federal prosecutor's press conference announcing Martha's indictment.

The Value of Self-Teaching in Home-Based Marketing

When I became a music teacher, I thought I had learned enough in college to be an expert in my profession. Was I in for a rude awakening. After a short stint I realized what's more valuable in teaching is what they fail to teach you in college - what you learn on your own on the job.
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