Saturday, February 22, 2025


Yahoo, Microsoft Get Down To Talking

Negotiations could lead to a middle ground in Microsoft's effort to acquire Yahoo, which claimed a greater worth than Microsoft's initial bid at the end of January.

Talking Metrics with Thinkbox

I was invited over to Thinkbox last week to talk metrics with their Research & Strategy Director, David Brennan. 

Talking And Driving Clogs Traffic

People using mobile phones while driving contribute to traffic congestion, according to a University of Utah study. Regardless of whether they use a handset or Bluetooth, the conversation itself causes motorists to drive slower on the freeway and to be less likely to pass slower-moving vehicles.

iPhone Has People Talking

 The anticipated launch of the iPhone has received more buzz than any other product announcement this year according to Nielsen BuzzMetrics.

Talking Around the Mobile Web

Although many have cell phones and other mobile devices that would permit mobile surfing, few do. Part of this is explained by the poor appearance of many websites as seen through a mobile device Given the push to have more mobile-friendly websites, hopefully this will change. The dotMobi community is providing resources and we now have a dotMobi Mobile Web Developers Guide.

Sweet Talking The Searcher In One Second Or Less

You have four seconds to get your site loaded and about one-twentieth of a second to impress the visitor before she flits on like an attention-deficient hummingbird. But before that, you have about one second, in the search results, to get her attention in the first place. And just like the tentative beginnings of most romances, it's all about what you say, how you look, and where you live.

TechCrunch Says That Digg is Talking About Aquisitions

Techcrunch Digg Does The Acquisition Dance With News Corp.

GooTube Talking To News Corp

Google's controversial acquisition of online video repository YouTube as rankled some feathers, which is not too surprising really. Whenever a business move of...
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