Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Strategy Before Tactics

If you have no defined strategy then what ever tactics you employ probably won't meet your goals. How many of us in the information security business bought a product, tool, policy or process from a company because we needed to meet a legal requirement, a passing interest in a neat new toy, or a recommendation from a group or consultant without really visualizing how it will fit into our strategic and tactical goals for the company?

Google Foes Shifting Tactics

Topix.net's Rich Skrenta said that Google is the environment and not the competition in search; Yahoo, Ask, and Microsoft have been working to define a new environment where the top of the search results delivers what a person wants to know.

Four Crucial Tactics That Keep Your Project On Track

You might think it's pretty obvious to know when your project is veering wildly out of control. However, it's important to first know when a project is "in control."

Pay Per Click in 2006 :The Latest News and Tactics

There is probably no one who doubts that PPC is here for the long term. And while many dismissed PPC in the early days, it is clear, based on earnings reported by the search engines, that PPC is here to stay.

Nvidia Accused of Deceptive Forum Tactics

The Consumerist along with several other sources are accusing Nvidia and its entertainment PR firm AEG of secretly seeding various gaming forums and communities with hired shills:

7 Performance Tactics for CEOs

Buckling under the weight of chronic corporate restructuring, and frustrated by performers who don't respond to carefully crafted strategic plans, high level executive leaders are being confronted by a growing performance gap between what needs to get done and what gets done.

Designing Effective PPC Campaign Strategies and Tactics

As with any successful project, clear definitions of the overall strategy and the tactics necessary to achieve that strategy are essential.

Managers: Should Your PR Budget Stress Tactics or Strategy?

If public relations tactics like special events, brochures, broadcast plugs and press releases dominate your answer, you're missing the best PR has to offer.
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