Thursday, February 6, 2025


Measuring Search And Offline Marketing Success

The session "Measuring Search & Offline Marketing Success" touched on the importance of tracking offline conversions that start through search. (Coverage of SMX West continues at Murdok Videos.  Keep an eye on Murdok for more notes and videos from the event this week.)

Will Kindle 2.0 Mirror iPod’s Success?

Rumor has it Amazon will unveil the second generation of its ebook Kindle at a press event next Monday. The device is expected to be thinner and cheaper, but still will lack certain functionalities the digital consuming public might expect. Beyond that, predictions for the device seem overly optimistic.

American Idol Bikini Girl Not Exactly An Overnight Success

If you haven’t heard of Katrina Darrell yet, she’s probably incredibly disappointed, and so are her, ahem, handlers. After all, her name is currently at the top of Google Hot Trends’ top search gainer list. She’s also known as “bikini girl,” in case you didn’t catch her name for all the, well, distraction.

Measuring Success In A 2.0 World

At the SES Chicago session "Measuring Success in a 2.0 World" the panel discussed different strategies to use to track success.(Coverage of SES Chicago continues at Murdok Videos.  Keep an eye on Murdok for more notes and videos from the event this week.)Matthew Bailey, President, SiteLogic, said information + context = knowledge. Bailey said to "add context to the data."

NYT Declares Facebook Experiment A Success

Never mind all the economic doom and gloom; the New York Times is thrilled with how its venture into social networking has gone.  A new memo notes some numbers that beat internal expectations, and should sound pretty impressive to outsiders, too.

YouTube Owes SNL For Its Success?

Here’s what we know: Before MTV put its video library online, YouTube was the go-to place for music videos; before Viacom sued now-in-Google’s-deep-pockets-YouTube, NBC had beef over a particular Saturday Night Live sketch appearing on a still virally-promoted, user-generated video site only trend setters and trend watchers were aware of.

Judging Monetary Success Of A Blog

The trend among some top bloggers is to publish monthly earning reports showing how much income they have generated the previous month. While it may seem impressive to earn $1,000, $5,000 or even $35,000 a month from your blogging efforts, I feel that the raw number can be a crude way of judging the “success” of your blog and will not be as meaningful as using other metrics.

SES: Measuring Success in a 2.0 World

In the SES session "Measuring Success in a 2.0 World", Matt Bailey, president, SiteLogic said, "The only way to get beyond 1.0 analytics is questions. Something no analytics software will do for you."
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