Wednesday, December 11, 2024


Top 10 Incredibly Stupid Landing Page Blunders Revealed!

Marketers are investing a lot of money in PPC ads, but it appears that too many of them are neglecting the quality of their landing pages.

Hey, Stupid, You Cant Sell Babies On eBay!

There are things you just can't sell on eBay. You can't sell live animals, body parts, or your immortal soul. And as some unscrupulous entrepreneurs will learn if captured, you can't sell babies, either.

Really Stupid Spammer

RSS and Blog spam remain a maddening phenom in the world of Really Simple Syndication. Doc Searls takes the time to elaborate about this on his blog and explains why.

It’s The Content, Stupid: Search Engine Optimization

In deciding to rank your website, search engines pay a lot of attention to the actual content they find on your webpages.

EU Forces Stupid Name On Microsoft: XP N

The official name of XP sold in European markets is Windows XP Home Edition N. The "N" stands for ... now get this ... "not with media player".

Arrgh. . .Those Stupid Internet Marketing Cliches Are True!

If you have read any internet marketing resource ever created, you have no doubt seen simple, one sentence, pot-shot solutions to all of your problems: You will only be successful if you think you are successful. You will make money if you work hard. Think outside of the box. Content is king!

“Stupid” Selling: Let the client lead the way

When I was a broker at Merrill Lynch in the late '70s and early '80s, I was trained to sell stocks using classic cold-calling techniques. My colleagues and clients were tough and fast-moving and wanted only answers. Quickly. I had to know my product and have my sales skills down pat. Smile and dial. Come in with a great opening. Wow them with sexy stocks and great numbers. Be clever and charming, and let the buyer think he was calling the shots. My opening line was "Hi, Mr. Jones. I'm Sharon Drew Morgen with Merrill Lynch, and I'm a broker. I'd like to take three and a half minutes of your time to tell you about a stock that's going to go up in the next week. Do you want to make some money?"


am often asked "What is the secret to MLM success?". In this article, I will give you that elusive answer. You might be surprised.