Saturday, January 11, 2025


Report: Online Advertising Strong As Ever

The advertising industry as a whole isn't looking so great.  Yet ZenithOptimedia found that, in comparison to traditional competitors, online advertising appears to be healthy and growing.

High Tech Sector Sees Strong Growth

New York City has the largest amount of technology workers in the U.S. according to a new study from the American Electronics Association (AeA)New York City led the nation with 316,500 technology jobs in 2006, according to the most current data available from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The region added 6,400 tech jobs in 2006, the second fastest growing cybercity behind Seattle, which added 7,800 jobs. The average wage was $91,500, 46 percent higher than the average private sector wage in the area.

Hitwise Stats Paint Twitter As Tiny But Strong

Anecdotal evidence and personal experience are all well and good, especially where popularity contests are concerned.  Hard data works, too, though, and Hitwise's Heather Hopkins has weighed in with stats on how Twitter is doing. Reports Strong Fourth Quarter

Since the beginning of October, the Dow has dropped nearly 1,400 points.  Even Google's lost its glow.  But just posted fourth quarter financial numbers that beat analysts' expectations and represent year-over-year increases in almost every way possible.

Amazon Tries to Strong-Arm Kindle-Related Sites

Jason Schramm registered the domain a while ago to report on Amazon’s ebook, the Kindle*.

Wii Sales Strong, Supplies Short

Nintendo holiday sales of the Wii game console are off to a "fantastic start" according to a top executive with the company.

Web 2.0 Keeps Ecommerce Strong

BuddeComm, an independent Australian telecommunications research firm has released a study that indicates strong new businesses models and booming growth in online advertising are rapidly building the foundations of the new Internet economy.

Journalists Show Strong Interest In Internet

A new survey from the Arketi Group finds that 84 percent of journalists say they would or already have used blogs as a main source or secondary source for articles.
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