Friday, January 10, 2025


New Local Ad Strategy for AdWords

Today Google announced a new AdWords feature called location extensions. The feature allows advertisers to add dynamic addresses to their ads. "If you're a business owner, you can set up extensions by linking an AdWords campaign to your Local Business Center (LBC) account," explains Emel Mutlu of Google's Inside AdWords Crew. "If you're not the primary business owner of the locations you're advertising, you can manually enter addresses directly into AdWords." Switch Part of Twitter’s Realtime Search Strategy

URL shorteners sprang into sudden essentialness with the advent of microblogging, and especially with the advent of Twitter. Until yesterday, TinyURL was the shortener of choice, boosted by Twitter’s default shortener setting. Twitter’s sudden switch to competing URL shortener not only was a surprise to many, but the move could spell an unforeseen and swift death for TinyURL. So what gives? What makes one URL shortener different from another?

Facebook’s New Strategy: Ignore Your Customers

Remember all that talk about Facebook becoming more democratic? Despite the highly publicized rhetoric, all appearances point to a Mark Zuckerberg dictatorship, relatively deaf to user complaints. While business owners have the right and responsibility to run their business as they see fit, the young CEO might want to reconsider saying one thing and doing another. It’ll just come back to bite him.

Linking Out Can Be A Valuable Marketing Strategy

Linking out is a valuable marketing strategy on a number of levels. It increases the utility of your site. People will see you as being helpful. People will see you as non-partisan i.e. not always favoring your own stuff. Webmasters may see your inbound link in their logs and follow them back to you. Links are, at the most fundamental level, a connection between people.

Yahoo Launches Open Strategy for Developers

Today, Yahoo has gone live with it's "open strategy" or Y!OS, which is Yahoo's way of opening up their products to third party developers in order to attract wider use, and to come up with some useful functionalities that will help them compete better with companies like Google and Microsoft. Y!OS consists of three major components:- Yahoo Social Platform- Yahoo Query Language (YQL)

Search Marketing: Transform your Channel Strategy

As technology advances and the demands of customers fragment, the task of empowering resellers and distributors with effective and relevant marketing tools becomes more daunting than ever before. To solve these challenges, a handful of forward-looking companies are experimenting with emerging technologies and particularly Search‹to empower their channel partners in an attempt to make them more flexible and responsive to the changing market. The Channel Challenge

Amazon Looking to Rekindle its Kindle Strategy

Word on the street is that Amazon is working on some new versions of the Kindle. At least one of them will be aimed at college students, a market that probably should've been targeted more closely the first time around.
What do you need to know about cholera : a serious global health challenge as well as measures for its suppression. Innovative podcasts : historical retrospectives explored. The ins and outs of crypto exchanges : a simplified explanation.