SEOs Claim Digg Auto-Buries Stories
The running feud between the SEO community and the Digg news site heated up again, with accusation of Digg automatically burying certain stories.
Digg Burying Stories Internally?
We all know that the main reason why stories don't hit the Digg homepage is because they get buried. Some say the buries are caused by specific Digg users who have it out for us while others just blame it on the content saying it wasn't Digg worthy. Well last week we did a test on Pronet Advertising that shows Digg might be burying stories internally.
Digg Stories Bore You After An Hour
Remember the good old days, back in 2006, when an online article had a freshness date of roughly 36 hours? A couple of scientists have found that's about 35 hours too long these days.
The ROI of Blogging – Top Stories
Two months ago, Charlene Li of Forrester produced a report on the ROI of blogging by comparing the relative spend on blogs to the spend required for focus group based research.
Digg Burying Stories from Unbanned Domains
As you may know, digg recently unbanned a lot of domains, and www.mapelli.info was amongst them.
They claimed they have improved their algorithm to easily detect spammy content, and that there’s no need to ban domains now.
Content-creating Consumers and Big Success Stories
Younger, participation-minded consumers will eventually dominate all of the online space, says trendwatching.
AOL Tells True Stories
AOL appeals to a different demographic of online movie buyers with the release of the documentary download site "True Stories".
Google Horror Stories
Need a scary story before you tuck your trick-or-treaters in bed that will make them convulse with fright until they lay unconscious in a nightmarish hell until morning? Google can help.