Want a Sticky Site That Sells? Forget Content!
An interesting debate is currently raging among copywriters, web designers and content developers about the differences, if any, between writing copy for the web versus writing content.
Website Planning Can be a Sticky Situation
"Failure to plan means planning to fail." -- Brian Tracy
Is Your Web Site Sticky? Eight ways to make your site a traffic magnet!
Have you seen those gooey, slimy, wet looking blobs that you can throw against a pane of glass - or a computer screen - and it sticks?
A friend of mine stopped by recently with one of these silly little toys.
Free online content to make your website sticky!
Depending on what you are reading, most sources state that a person must see an offer somewhere between 3 and 10 times before he or she will actually purchase.
The Sticky Issue of E-zine Schedules
While many new e-zine publishers are anxious about developing good content for their e-zines, many of them seem to have more trouble simply deciding on a schedule and sticking to it!
You Get Sticky With Clever Software
Let's talk sticky. Yes, sticky. Not the kind of sticky that happens to your fingers after you've eaten cotton candy or barbecue ribs.
I'm talking about having a sticky site. This kind of sticky means you're getting plenty of repeat visitors.