Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Microsoft JPEG XR Approved As New Image Standard

Joint Photographic Experts Group, which owns the JPEG standard, has voted to make Microsoft’s HD Photo their new standard, under the name JPEG XR.

Search Marketing Standard Highlights for Autumn

The Autumn edition of Search Marketing Standard came out last week. I find this magazine great as it features many articles of a high quality, plus it's nice to read about SEO offline for a change, so I've listed some of the things I found of particular interest from the latest edition:

A Look at Search Marketing Standard Magazine

Search Marketing Standard’s Boris Mordkovich offered me a subscription to their magazine a few weeks ago. I was dubious; I mean really, a magazine printed on paper about the internet? Despite my reservations I am a shameless blog whore so I instantly said yes.

Is Blogging Becoming The New Standard?

When blogs first hit the scene, there were many who passed the practice off as ‘just another Internet trend’ and doomed the medium to failure before it ever got off the ground. Years later, blogging is still around – and it’s rapidly joining the ranks of mainstream media as a source of breaking news.

ASP.NET: Choose a Standard Number Format

Today, I ran into an issue regarding the way numbers are parsed in different cultures, which resulted in very wrong numbers.

Configuring Standard Access Lists

Access Control Lists (ACLs) allow a router to permit or deny packets based on a variety of criteria.

Yahoo Sets New Standard with Vista Messenger

While no doubt Google's simple and clean applications have been a hit with some users, I'm really impressed with what Yahoo is showing off in its new Messenger for Windows Vista.

The Search Engines Agree on an XML Sitemap Standard

In great news, Google, Yahoo and MSN have agreed upon a XML sitemap standard.
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