Friday, February 7, 2025


Microsoft Navision Database: C/SIDE or MS SQL Server – Overview for IT Specialist

Microsoft Business Solutions promotes Navision (former Attain) on US market as excellent manufacturing applications (formerly it was promoting Great Plains).

Microsoft Navision DB Selection: C/SIDE or MS SQL Server – overview for IT Specialist

Microsoft Business Solutions Navision serves both European and American megamarkets.

Crystal Reports for Microsoft Navision – overview for Programmer/IT Specialist

Microsoft Business Solutions Navision serves both European and American megamarkets.

Microsoft RMS Great Plains Integration Overview for IT Specialist

Microsoft Great Plains and Microsoft Retail Management System (Microsoft RMS) are getting new market share due to the Microsoft strong marketing campaign.

Website Ranking With an Internet Marketing Specialist

On the internet, competition is stronger than ever. There was a time where paying a few bucks to get in Yahoo was enough to generate substantial traffic but marketing websites on the internet got much more complex since.

Great Plains Accounting Migration to Microsoft Great Plains – overview for IT Specialist

This is short article, written in question/answer/FAQ style to give IT Specialist/developer/programmer balanced top level information on Great Plains Accounting migration to Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains.

Microsoft CRM Modification Overview for IT Specialist

Microsoft CRM is now on the scene and it is increasing its market share, due to the Microsoft Business Solutions muscles and marketing strategy. It is tightly integrated with other Microsoft Business Solutions products such as Microsoft Great Plains, Solomon, Navision.

Ask a Disaster Recovery Specialist

What would happen to your data if: a. you backed your SUV over your laptop? b. your laptop spent two days in a sunken cruise ship submerged at the bottom of the Amazon River? c. firefighters rescued your computer's scarred carcass from a flaming warehouse?
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