Blogs As Credible News Sources?
While I would suspect that the findings of a MediaPost Research Brief come as no surprise I do think there are some questions that may be considered as a result.
Google Looks To Green Energy Sources
Google is exploring the use of a variety of forms of renewable energy in an effort to reach its goal of creating 50 megawatts of renewable generating capacity for its operations by 2012.
Unique Content Sources in Saturated Markets
Hamlet Batista commented on my last post that a problem with blogging is that many people look to the same sources for inspiration and information to blog about. Even in the most saturated markets there are a wide array of unique data sources. Here are some of my favorites:
Google Docs To Get More Reference Sources
Piece o’ news number one: Google intends to make Encyclopedia Britannica, as well as Merriam-Webster’s dictionary and thesaurus, available in Google Docs. Piece o’ news number two: if you don’t feel like waiting on the Mountain View-based company, you can access those same resources right now.
What Traffic Sources Should You Target?
Recently I’ve read about otherwise sane Internet Marketers (also called SEO’s) targeting Digg comments at an attempt to direct traffic to a particular website. The first thing that came to mind was that running a campaign specifically to garner traffic from the comments of a techie social media site is probably not going to have a great ROI. I may be wrong, depending on your target market, but nonetheless blog posts abound SEO’s spending lots of time on ineffective strategies abound.
Finding Online Sources To Trust
In the United States and the United Kingdom, a couple of librarian-driven resources show just how potent informational sites with vetted content can be for Internet users. Resource Shelf's Gary Price tells us more.
Google News Played by Foreign Sources?
Take a look at Google News U.S. and how many obscure foreign news sources are linked to. Of course nothing is wrong with this until you realize that the stories these sources are writing about are U.S. based. Looking deeper it's obvious that some of the news sites appear to be only writing about these stories in order to get traffic from Google News U.S..
The 12 Main Sources of Blog Traffic
Something odd happened about ten days ago, and it got me thinking about hidden blog traffic.
As many of you who read this content directly on my blog might have noticed, I publish my Feedburner RSS subscriber count on the right hand sidebar of my blog. For those of you reading this on one of the sites that syndicates my writing or through an RSS reader, you might not have seen it but for months the count typically hovered between 700 and 900 readers.