Friday, February 21, 2025


Slightly Sunburned, Congdon Strikes Back

"Dirty laundry is not attractive," writes Amanda Congdon, the now former Rocketboom video blogger with a cult following. Her sudden public exodus yesterday sparked the Internet version of the Star Jones Wars of last week. Everyone knows that if you're going down, you should go down shooting.

Time Warner Profit Up Slightly

Time Warner reported a small profit increase for the first-quarter based on an increase in advanced cable service subscribers and advertising sales at AOL and TNT.

How To Get Slightly Famous in Print

Early in my career, I wrote an article for a small business magazine about self-publishing as a marketing tool for businesses. Because I specialize in helping businesses get into print, the article only took a few hours to write. A few months later it was published. Almost immediately, my phone began to ring and my email box filled up with inquires.

6 Steps To Get “Slightly” Famous

A few years ago, Bruce Smith experienced a slowdown in his Salt Lake City-based travel agency. Airlines had eliminated his sales commissions. The recession and recent terrorist attacks also took a toll. And because the travel industry was ultra-competitive, he knew he had to find ways to distinguish his company from thousands of other travel agencies.
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