Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Slashdot Picks Its Redesign

The long-running "news for nerds, stuff that matters" website will undergo a facelift after its editors selected a redesign from a number of submissions.

Slashdot, Digg, And All That Traffic

Once an old iPod story on got Dugg, visitors streamed to the story; then Slashdot picked up the story and the fun really began.

Slashdot is Going out of Style in 2006?

Okay, since I'm apparently in "2006 doom and gloom" mode here's another observation that I can re-brand as a 2006 prediction.

Slashdot Offering 30 Minute Advance Look

The DayPass, offered by Slashdot's parent Open Source Technology Group, will give users the chance to see new stories and content first.

Findory Mentioned On Slashdot

I just thought it was cool that Findory, still the only news site I find worth visiting, got a cool mention on Slashdot.

Is Slashdot Poster Really an Apple Employee?

An Apple employee (at least he claims to be an Apple employee) is over on Slashdot saying some interesting things...

The Diminishing Slashdot Effect

BusinessWeek is running a piece on Slashdot's diminishing "slashdot effect" - citing analysts and site owners that are saying a link from the grandfather tech site no longer means what it once did to the sites it links to.
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