Saturday, January 18, 2025


Dedicated IPs Better Than Shared IPs

IPs can be shared as well as dedicated. A shared IP address implies that there are a host of other web sites that are using the same IPs address on the same server. However, a dedicated IP implies that that there is only one site with the same IP address on a server. So which one is better for SEO?

Difference Between Shared and Dedicated Web Hosting?

This article will explain the key differences between 2 web hosting services available today: shared and dedicated web hosting.

Shared RSS – Syndication for the Rest of Us

RSS Syndication or RSS Newsfeeds (RSS Feeds for short) all refer to the same thing.

Use shared objects on Linux

Make shared memory work for you, not against you

Web Hosting: Shared or Dedicated – Which Should You Choose?

Before you begin your search for a web host you should first determine whether you need shared web hosting or dedicated web hosting.

Middleware is Dead. Long Live Shared Services.

IT is continually and increasingly being pressured from the business world to justify the value it brings to the company given the huge investments it absorbs. Quite rightly so, and thankfully we are moving into a new era of how we think about technology systems, moving away from duplicating data and platforms to both cause the need for EAI and the problems and costs associated with its implementation. Designing to access, real-time shared services will eliminate this unnecessary step and simultaneously design IT to naturally reflect and enable the cross-company business processes it is intended for in the first place.

Apache Shared Modules in Delphi

Back in Issue 69 (May, 2001) of The Delphi Magazine in Apache Shared Modules, I looked at the Apache Web server running on Linux and how Kylix could be used to write CGI applications and also Apache shared modules or DSOs (the main thrust of the article). That was shortly after Kylix had been released, and discussed how to overcome a variety of problems, including the fact that the standard Apache binary distribution is not suitable for using shared modules.

Are Shared Services Right For You and Your Customers?

Evaluating a move to a shared services center is as important as the move itself. With dozens of business units, strategies, and customer expectations to consider, the period of evaluating a move to shared services becomes integral to the overall success of the entire organization.
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