The “How to Beat Google” Series
Rich Skrenta is running a series on his blog called How To Beat Google, detailing the strategies needed to defeat Google in the marketplace, and consequently, showing exactly what Google’s competitors are doing wrong. The advice includes:
Eisner Series To Premier On MySpace
My Space and former Walt Disney chief executive Michael Eisner have announced a partnership to premier "Prom Queen" on MySpace, an original mystery series produced by Eisner's production studio Vuguru.
The show will accessible exclusively on MySpace twelve hours before being released on any other site.
Google NY Starting Speaker Series
Google has announced a speaker series to be hosted at their New York City offices, bringing some cool talks at the Google offices for everyone to enjoy.
Great SEO Video Series
I've just discovered a great video series by Gareth Davies (gotta love that last name and no, there's no relation 😉
ASP.NET How Do I Video Series
Microsoft put together a video series called "How Do I." The purpose behind the series is to help educate developers by answering common questions regarding ASP.NET 2.0.
Food Network Serving Online Video Series
A new 13-part series will be shown on Foodnetwork.com as they attempt to skew younger.
UK Premiering BBC Three Comedy Series Online
As broadband usage grows among British users, the medium will start to see comedy programming among its offerings.
Brand Humanity Webinar Series
What are blogs, and how do they relate to our business? Can you make money blogging...