Wednesday, January 29, 2025


Review: Wicked Cool Perl Scripts

Order (or just read more about) Wicked Cool Perl Scripts from

Automated Scripts for Boosting Site Productivity

Tutorial on boosting site productivity through automated scripts, highlighting benefits, implementation steps, and essential tools.

Useful Scripts for your Business

Anyone who is managing a business would have a wish list similar to this: a demand for a product or service that he or she provides, a streamlined base of operations in making and providing the product or service, besting the competition with a plan of action, having loyal customers, having even loyal employees and getting timely information relevant to the business.

Your Shopping Cart Scripts

When a beginning business entrepreneur first hears the term quality shopping cart scripts he or she might think this means the words that are put on the Web page, the script, that will urge the consumer to respond using tact, salesmanship and testimonials.

Why Perl Scripts?

First let me tell you the history of Perl scripts and then I will go into why I think Perl is the best overall programming language that there is.

Dynamic DNS Services Update Scripts

Strangely enough, I never had any need for a dynamic DNS service until this week. In retrospect, it really does seem odd that I've never needed such a service before now, but so be it.

Useful Perl Scripts With Regular Expressions

Most computer users, especially software engineers, have had a need to modify multiple files to either add a line of text, modify a line of text, or completely remove a line of text. The problem is that there never seems to be a piece of software out there that can help you with this problem. Some programs let you get close to doing what you want but in my experience none ever let you do exactly what you want; so a few hours are spent opening each file and editing them manually.

Installing Scripts – Don’t be Scared!

One of the biggest problems that I had when I set up my first site was essentially that I had no idea what I was doing. This manifested itself most obviously when it came to installing scripts for my site. I'm not a programmer (far from it) and I thought there would be assumed knowledge when it came to getting things running - knowledge that I assumed I didn't have. Once I decided to give it a go (and stop paying people to do it for me) I realised that it's actually pretty easy.
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