Wednesday, January 29, 2025


Vlogger Slams Rocketboom, Nerd Fight Ensues

If you haven't heard of him yet, that's because he hadn't verbally accosted the darling of the vlogging world yet. Ze Frank, host of "The Show," Rocketboomed himself into an authentic charts-and-graphs nerd fight with Andrew Baron. There, now you've heard of him. The Rocketboom Of Travel

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Rocketboom’s Ad Policy Returns Power To People

Andrew Baron of Rocketboom fame may have sealed his position as an advertising visionary. His approach, detailed during a keynote address at the Podcast and Portable Media Expo, had everyone buzzing. A $20,000 discount for likeable commercials? Disney should shoot for an audience of 10,000?

Rocketboom Goes Down In Buffalo Chips

How do you follow an episode of tomato throwing and red paper clip up-trades? It's a no-brainer: buffaloes and creepy music. Rocketboom's second that's-not-Amanda show left the audience in a pile of question marks.

Rocketboom Fights Attack of Killer Tomatoes

She, that is, not Amanda Congdon, plopped herself down in the anchor chair in a catchers mask and pads. Let the tomato throwing begin. Andrew Baron sits in the corner, a frazzled and twitchy mess with nothing to say about the matter. Joanne Colan informs Amanda fans of where she can be found. Rocketboom 2.0, sans foam insulation concerns, launches.

Rocketboom 2.0 Delayed, Fans Lash Out

Rocketboom fans have been hanging on for the next boom since Amanda Congdon's dramatic unbooming. The next incarnation is now two days late as the world awaits how the new hostess will handle her duties, and to see if Rocketboom 2.0 will reach liftoff.

Rocketboom Finds PodZinger For Search

The popular Rocketboom video blog reached a point where it needed a more robust search feature, and partnered with PodZinger to fulfill that function.

Rocketboom Debuts its Ad

Funny, isn't it, that the blogosphere was abuzz when Rocketboom auctioned an ad, but barely a whisper was heard yesterday when the ad debuted at the end of the normal Monday segment.
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