Reverse – Engineering Search Engine Ranking Algorithms
Back in 1997 I did some research in an attempt to reverse-engineer algorithms used by search engines. In that year, the big ones included AltaVista, Webcralwer, Lycos, Infoseek, and a few others.
Drug Appears To Reverse Parkinsons
A 62-year-old Parkinson's disease patient died of an unrelated heart attack three months after participating in an experimental Parkinson's drug trial. When researchers opened up his brain to take a look, they discovered something very encouraging-if not for the heart attack, he might have recovered.
The Power of Reverse Advertising
How many times have you heard that posting on FFA sites are a complete waste of time?
How To Reverse A ‘Slump’ In Business – Fast
Every business experiences cycles of heavy sales volume and light sales volume. Periods of light sales volume are called business "Slumps".
Reverse Affirmations: How Self Motivation Sells!
A reverse affirmation is a positive statement that you tell your readers to tell themselves. You would write it in present tense like they've already solved their problem or completed their goal.