Tuesday, February 4, 2025


Google Street View To Respect Canada’s Privacy

Canadian people have visible faces, and Canadian cars have legible license plates.  But when Google Street View offers images of Canada, these features will be blurred or otherwise blocked out in order to respect privacy concerns.

TV Execs Forced To Respect Web’s Authori-tah

The phrase "revenue sharing" has not historically been in the media executive dictionary. An iron wall stood between the talent and the advertising money, whether it be television, movies, radio, newspaper, whatever. But our favorite libertarian equal opportunity offenders have managed to cement a 50/50 split of ad revenue with Viacom.

Domainers Can’t Get Any Respect

Last week the second part of my “Domaining & Subdomaining in the Local Space” pubbed on Search Engine Land, and I’m particularly pleased with it, although my friends can deservedly kick me around a bit for writing articles too long. I did quite a lot of research for the two-part series, most particularly for this second segment which was focused entirely on Local Domaining.

Kicking Shows More Respect Than Ignoring?

There’s a bit of debate lately due to a Microsoft lawyer bashing Google’s book scanning program and their positions on copyright. It’s one of those stories everybody has to comment on, despite merely being a case of one company sniping at another, so naturally I stayed the hell away from it. Still, Lawrence Lessig made an argument that so defines the opposite of compelling that I had to say something:

Employee Motivation: Build Trust and Respect

Employee and staff motivation is an often discussed topic. The opinions about how to get employees working range from hard driving close supervison to hands off and let the people create on their own. Most business owners and managers fall somewhere in between these two extremes.

Yahoo Search Revenues Get No Respect

I'm at Search Engine Strategies in Stockholm today. One of a number of points I put forward in the Ad Forum session today was jumping off yesterday's Yahoo earnings announcement. The company's flat profit for the quarter surpassed estimates.

Respect for Web Developers

Back when I was first paid to build web-based applications (around 1998 or so), the world of Web Development as we know it today did not exist.

Accountability: The Key to Respect, Raises, More Staff and Bigger Budgets

First the bad news As businesses "down size," "right size, " merge or are acquired, jobs are lost. So, if you're worried about your future, you're not alone. With today's business climate the way it is, I know many marketing and communications professionals who have had severe budget cuts, run understaffed departments, or fear being let go during the next wave of cutbacks.
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