Online Public Relations and Blogs
Later today I'll be presenting here at DMA-06 on a panel called, Blogs, RSS and Podcasting with Amanda Watlington from Searching for Profit and Stephan Spencer from Netconcepts. Basically, my presentation will cover how blogs can be used as public relations tools in the context of "Push and Pull PR". The presentation is broken up into:
Podcasting As An “Investor Relations Tool”
Podcasting is a fine way to communicate your personal thoughts and feelings on any subject. It can also be useful in the business world as an "investor relations tool." A session at the Podcast and Portable Media Expo focused on this application.
Rolling the Blogger Relations Dice
How do you get bloggers to write about your product? asks Dave Taylor.
Public Relations – PR Career Basics
Public relations now forms a major part of the entertainment industry, business and politics. It can be a fascinating career for someone who is dedicated, creative and a strong communicator.
Blogger Relations, Two Tips
Okay, this one gets filed under no-brainer new media tactics, but I'm going to post something on it anyway.
Integrating SEO with Public Relations
Karen Sams over at our PR firm, Misukanis & Odden does a nice job explaining the value and benefits of incorporating search engine optimization with public relations in a short PR and SEO video case study.
P&Gs Community Relations Blog
Jaffe Juice points us to a P&G community relations blog: Notes from the Front Line.
Blogger Relations Update #1
About 48 hours has lapsed since I sent out the first batch of some 60 invitations to participate in the Click.TV blogger relations program.