Thursday, February 6, 2025


Bezos’ Funding Of Speech Studies Kindle Related?

Billionaires donate to lots of causes for lots of reasons. Sometimes the donations are business related and sometimes they’re not.

eBay Founder Now Working On Twitter-Related Service

The phrase "private pre-alpha" hasn't ever before been used to describe something on Murdok, and it conjures up overkill images of two guys whispering to each other behind six-foot walls.  But that's how a new service backed by Pierre Omidyar and Randy Ching was until recently classified, and the small amount of information that's since leaked looks rather interesting.

MySpace Experiencing Ad-Related Revenue Difficulties

The good news, from News Corp's perspective, is that MySpace is continuing to grow.  The bad news is that profiting off social ads is tougher than the corporation had expected.

Google News Suggests Related Searches

It's not by any means a revolutionary feature, and to be honest, it's probably not even something that you'll use once a day.  Still, the introduction of related search suggestions to Google News seems like a solid idea.

Amazon Tries to Strong-Arm Kindle-Related Sites

Jason Schramm registered the domain a while ago to report on Amazon’s ebook, the Kindle*.

Site- And Source-Related Updates To Google Earth

Improvements to the search engine at are undeniably newsworthy, but on a sort of life-and-death scale, adjustments to the Google News engine are also important.  And a few changes (and reminders) cropped up recently.

Explore The Connections Between Related Websites

TouchGraph is a java application of a Google browser that lets you explore the connections between related websites.

Google’s Game-Related Shame Deepens

A few weeks ago, we were able to run the headline “Yahoo Better Than Google At Unimportant Games.”  Consider this a follow-up, only, to Mountain View’s dismay, you can substitute “Facebook” for “Yahoo” and leave everything else the same.
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