Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Yahoo Redirects Webmaster Queries

Webmasters on the hunt for certain information through Yahoo Search will begin seeing their queries redirected to Site Explorer, which just received a significant update.

Strumpette Sends Unsolicited Email, Then Redirects

I have stayed away from the Strumpette fray. It struck me as a lose-lose proposition.

301 Redirects and Domains With and Without WWW

Man am I sick of this issue. I personally think every website should have a 301 redirect (or something similar in effect) set up so that either the domain with or without the www is the primary. Why? I will tell you!

Google’s Matt Cutts And JavaScript Redirects

There are a number of different optimization techniques webmasters use to try and improve their search engine rankings, some acceptable (white hat SEO), some not (black hat SEO).

Turn Harmful 404 Error Pages Into Helpful 301 Redirects

It's a fact, Page Not Found, known as a 404 error, can harm your website Ranking with Search Engines as well as being a Turn-Off for Visitors.

301 Redirects Aren’t Always The Answer

One of the more popular questions asked on SEO-related forums as do with the use of 301 redirects and duplicate content. When people pose questions about duplicate content because of domain naming reasons, one of the first things suggested is using a 301 redirect to avoid being penalized.

301 Redirects and Search Engine Optimization

There are multiple reasons to redirect URLs. For one, your web pages may have moved but their old URLs may still live in users' bookmarks or in search engine indexes. Without implementing some sort or redirection, that traffic would be lost to a 404 Error Page.

Multiple Domains and 301 Redirects

A common area of misunderstanding and confusion within search optimization has to do with how and when one should use a redirection document. If you've moved a site to a new domain and you want your normal traffic to follow, a 301 permanent redirect needs to be employed. However, there are other occasions, also involving domain-based issues, when 301's should be utilized.
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