Reasons Twitter Should Start Charging For Their Service
I am going to write something that is likely to be unpopular. Today I experienced a "perfect storm" of sorts regarding the Internet and the idea of free is good. This apparent entitlement mentality that is pervasive among Internet users that everything should free is going to potentially ruin a lot of good opportunities. Of course, all of this is in my opinion so you can take it for what it's worth. At least reading it is free, right?
Twitter Temporarily Disables OAuth for Security Reasons
Twitter recently released a product called "Sign in with Twitter," which is basically the social network's answer to Facebook Connect, Google Friend Connect, etc.
It's based on OAuth, but there's a security problem with OAuth. In fact, Twitter and Yahoo have both disabled OAuth support temporarily. Biz Stone talks a little bit about it on the official Twitter Blog:
Top 5 Reasons the “C Word” Should Be Your Priority
I'm not going to tell you that "content is king." You already know that. There are reasons why your best bet for running a successful online business revolve around your content though. 1. Links
Top 5 Reasons YouTube is a Great Educational Tool
Google may be frequently coming up with different ways to monetize YouTube lately, and the community may be full of silly, or dare I even say stupid videos, but there are plenty of educational ones too, and besides that, YouTube can make for a great platform for education in general. I'm not talking just about in schools, although I don't see why it can't apply there too. 1. Powerpoint Presentations
Eight Reasons the Internet has Changed Politics Forever
The Internet forever has changed national politics, and this election year has made the point crystal clear. Below are eight game changers that have made the Internet more important since the last election.Game Changer #1:
7 Reasons You May Not Be Getting Work Done
I am subscribed to a website called Daily Blog Tips. it is a great website that commonly has some great nuggets of information on how to make you blog run smoother and in general make life online a lot easier. I spotted a great post today on their called: 7 Reasons Why You Might Never Be Productive
Reasons to Go to SMX
As many of you already know, last year Danny Sullivan and Chris Sherman kicked off the Search Marketing Expo (SMX). The conference series started with SMX Advanced in Seattle and it was a hit. Compared to most conferences, people actually came away learning new information as well as actually being happy with conference food for the first time (no more boxed lunches).
Three Reasons To Report Gmail Spam
Only the continued efforts of dedicated Gmail users to hit the "Report as Spam" button when they spot unwanted junk messages will help Google stay ahead of spammers.