Sunday, January 5, 2025


Google Maps Adds CleanScores Ratings

Google Maps now integrates ratings from CleanScores, a website which shows you which establishments have failed food inspections.

Michelin Guide Ratings Leaked Online

The Michelin guide ratings for restaurants in Los Angeles and Las Vegas were mistakenly posted on its Web site before Monday's scheduled announcement.

Google Maps Gains User-Generated Ratings

Google Maps can now not only tell you how to reach a business - it can say if you should go there at all.  Don’t worry, this isn’t the fruition of Google’s creepy “total information” plan; the tips are provided by user-generated ratings and reviews.

iTunes Gives Nets a Ratings Bump…

Here's as clear as correlation as any between the iPod economy and its potential to impact the media landscape.

MSNBC Launches Online Ratings Drive

Pull up the Washington Post website and you may notice something peculiar. All ad space on the site belongs to MSNBC. Sister publication has the same MSNBC saturation-as do 800 blogs sanctioned through Blogads. The campaign is part of MSNBC's effort to test whether online advertising can have an impact on television ratings.

Clear Channel Wants Better Ratings

The success of Nielsen's Local People Meters has driven the biggest player in the radio industry to seek a similar model.

Mutual Funds: Morningstar Ratings and Fiduciary Grades

Morningstar now provides Fiduciary Grades on mutual funds. How does Morningstar determine these grades? How can mutual fund investors use these grades to better manage their portfolios?
What do you need to know about tuberculosis : an enduring global health problem. Imagine building a business that offers financial freedom and peace of mind at a price that’s within reach of everyone. Similarly, there are also various supplements available that promise to burn belly fat.