Thursday, February 20, 2025


FAQ Pages Could Increase Your Google Rankings

Increase your website's Google rankings with an effective FAQ page. Learn how FAQs enhance SEO and best practices to implement.

Facebook Vanity URLs Could Help Search Engine Rankings

Facebook is the most popular social network in the world. In areas where others have advantages over it, Facebook seems to be making changes to improve.Obviously there is the new Twitter-like functionality of its real-time news feeds/filters. But Mike Arrington points out another thing that Facebook is starting to do - vanity URLs.

Nielsen Puts Google Down In September Search Rankings

According to Nielsen Online, nothing earth-shattering happened in terms of search rankings between August and September; Google didn't finally corner three-fourths of the market, and no major competitors switched positions.  There were some significant losses and gains, though, and they affected the top search companies.

No Manual Intervention On Rankings, Says Google

The search advertising company doesn't go in and tweak the results that come up for queries, except for the times that it does.

Ratings, Not Usage, Moves Google Rankings More

Despite massive server farms with processing power to burn through mountains of user data, Google relies on a quaint approach to tweaking its rankings.

SMX: Site Buys For Great Rankings

The strategy of purchasing existing websites with strong search rankings for SEO purposes provides an opportunity to boost one's site in the results pages at Google and beyond.

ACCM: Better Links For Higher Search Rankings

In the session "Secrets for Getting More and Better Links for Higher Search Rankings," Stephan Spencer founder and president of Netconcepts talked about free tools to use for checking link popularity.

ComScore on Search Engine Rankings for December

comScore, a leader in measuring the digital world, has released its monthly comScore qSearch analysis of the search marketplace for December 2007. Among core search engines in December 2007, Google Sites remained the top search property with 5.6 billion core searches conducted, representing a 58.4 percent share of the search market. December U.S. Core Search Rankings
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