Business Podcast Marketing Case Study Proves Results
Business Podcast Marketing Case Study Shows How Podcasting Delivers Dramatic Results for Client.
Google Print For Libraries Proves Challenging
Details, details-such is the Achilles' Hell of the visionary temperament. When Google put forth a massive online literary digitization effort, the scholar, the literati, the purist self-educator, the mousey, bucked-toothed, four-eyed little girl in all of us cheered the soon-to-be nearer reach of all those words. But visions, especially the grandiose, face the speed bumps, the hurdles, of real world logic-or worse, lawyers.
PR, Advertising Proves Information Technology’s Historical Shortcomings
One of the advantages of beeing at a conference is the sudden meeting, a short discussion with someone, and - voila - you got yourself a new perspective.