Thursday, February 6, 2025


Protecting Your Lap top

If anything makes an argument for disk drive level encryption, or synching a laptop back to the head office better than the recent news and meetings over the ability of US Border Guards being able to seize and inspect a companies laptop I cannot think of one.

Is Google Protecting Your Publisher ID?

Jensense writes that a growing number of publishers are seeing hackers edit their websites, substituting the publisher's AdSense ID for another, in order to basically steal that publisher's revenue.

Protecting Against SQL Injection With PHP And MYSQL

Security is important for all developers, but more so when combining two of the most popular Database and Web Programming technologies.

Cybercrime: Protecting Your Customers

Businesses small and large have a growing concern over cybercrime, and for good reason.

Protecting the Brand – Reputation Management

Search engine marketing is known for increasing a company's profile, establishing an online presence, increasing traffic, and ultimately growing the bottom line.

Protecting Your Ideas And Stopping People Ripping You Off

We have all had that Eureka moment when we think we have thought of something new. Sometimes we think there may even be a viable business behind it. So how do you go about protecting that idea, particularly if it is so fundamental and integral to the success of your business model?

The Secret To Protecting Your Business Assets

Regardless of the type of business you conduct, there is a significant risk of being sued in our litigious society.

Protecting Your Trademarks: Who’s Job is It?

Concern over trademark protection is growing steadily among online advertisers. Who's responsibility is it to protect your trademarks? Should the trademark holders be expected to spend ad dollars to buy their own trademarked terms? What kinds of things should/could search engines do to help alleviate the problems?
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