Winning Sales Proposals
Your proposal is selling for you when you're not there, so it must reflect your standards of professionalism.
5 Ways To Write Better Proposals
1. Omit needless words.
This can't be stressed enough. Excess words drag your proposals down. Don't try to use multisylabic monsters to impress people - it doesn't work.
Business Proposals: Writing an Executive Summary
When writing a business proposal, the executive summary is arguably the most important component. You should write it as if the success of the entire proposal rests upon it.
The 5 W’s of Writing Persuasive Proposals
As with a verbal sales presentation, your written sales presentation should have a beginning, a middle and an end.
The beginning addresses the prospect's situation, thanks them for the opportunity and identifies with their specific needs.
REAL ESTATE Agents … Do your Marketing Proposals Make the Grade … really?
Are they instrumental in securing listings? A staggering 8 in 10 real estate marketing submissions simply don't "cut it", and in some cases, they actually drive a prospective vendor to the competition. Read this article to find out how well your proposal documentation rates, and learn how to develop pre-listing and listing collateral that SELLS outrageously well.