Google Holds On As Top Property For December
The holiday shopping season brought increased traffic to a number of categories including retail, shipping and weather sites, according to comScore Media Metrix.Traffic to retail sites grew in December as consumers searched for holiday gifts and discounts. Jewelry/Luxury Goods/Accessories jumped 30 percent to 25 million visitors to rank as the top-gaining category for the month.
Google Top Property In November
The official start of the holiday shopping season saw Americans flock to online retail sites, boosting several categories, including toys, consumer electronics and department stores, to double-digit traffic gains in November, according to comScore.
Google Remains Top Property In August
The Olympics and the U.S. Presidential campaign were the primary drivers of Internet traffic during the month of August, leading to increased visits at politics, sports, news and humor sites according to comScore Media Metrix.The politics category rose 33 percent to 14 million visitors as many Americans focused on the presidential race. The fastest growing category for the month was led by BarackObama.com with nearly 4 million visitors (up 113% from July), while JohnMcCain.com surged 108 percent to 1.4 million visitors.
Google Sites Top U.S. Video Property
U.S. Internet users watched 11.5 billion online videos in March 2008, a 13 percent increase over February and a 64 percent boost over March of 2007 according to comScore Video Metrix.Google was again the top U.S. video property with more than 4.3 billion videos viewed (38% share of all videos) gaining 2.6 shares over the previous month. YouTube made up 98 percent of all videos viewed at Google Sites.
Google Sites Top Video Property For February
For the month of February Google Sites were again the top U.S. video property with nearly 3.6 billion videos viewed (35.4% share of all videos), gaining 1.1 share points over January according to comScore Video Metrix.U.S. Internet users viewed more than 10 billion videos online during the month, a three percent increase over January and a 66 percent gain over February 2007.
SES: Ways SEMs Can Protect Intellectual Property
Trademark and copyright issues are complicated. That's why we have lawyers. Luckily, we also have lawyers willing to drop by the Search Engine Strategies Conference in San Jose to shine a little light on the issue.
Google Top Streaming Video Property
comScore, a digital media measurement firm has released numbers on the U.S. streaming video market from its Video Metrix service. In January, 123 million people viewed 7.2 billion videos online. This accounted for 70 percent of the total U.S. Internet audience.
The average video streamer watched 59 streams of the period of a month, which are around two videos per day. The average amount of time spent watching videos was 151 minutes for the month and the average amount of time spent viewing a single video was 2.6 minutes.
Virtual Property Auctions Nixed By eBay
Since the dawn of EverQuest, the godfather of Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Games (MMORPGs), companies have turned a tidy profit from selling virtual items and currency that only exist within the game in exchange for real life cash.