Thursday, February 6, 2025


Allocating Your Web Sites Budget Properly

I had a client say something to me the other day that I thought was rather interesting.

Flash, SEO and Optimization – How to Properly use Flash on Your Websites

Flash movies can be a great thing. They can help catch eyes that are otherwise bored with static looking pages, and they can help tell a story better than plain text.

How To Properly Submit Your Website To Directories

Having a top placement on a search engine and enjoying the traffic that comes with a top ranking is dependent on many things.

Is Your Home-based Business Properly Insured?

Do you work from home full-time or part-time? Chances are your homeowner's insurance doesn't cover your home business, or at least not to the extent you need it to. For one thing, insuring just the physical assets of your business (computer, home-office furniture, fax machine, etc.) doesn't encompass every aspect of your business.

Are You Mining Your Email Properly?

Are your mining your email for all that it has to offer? If not you are missing out on one of your biggest opportunities to improve the profitability of your business. That's because your email often holds the key to:

How To Properly Use Ezine Advertising

Just for the sake of avoiding an argument, let's just say that ezine advertising is the best form of advertising on the Internet. Now, let's move on to learning how to more properly make use of the advertising available in ezines.

Mini-Quiz: Punctuate Properly

Punctuation seems easy. Use a period at the end of a declarative sentence; use a question mark at the end of a question. But where do you put a comma? What's the difference between a colon and semi-colon? As for the apostrophe, is its or it's correct? Test your knowledge of the most common types of punctuation used in customer service e-mails: period, comma, apostrophe, semicolon, colon.
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