Tuesday, January 14, 2025


eBay Redux: Shortcutting Fee Changes For Profit

The latest changes at eBay may encourage the opposite behavior from sellers that the online marketplace wants to encourage.

Yahoo Slashing 1,000 Jobs Amid Profit Drop

The hammer has fallen. Yahoo will finally make the job cuts Wall Street has craved for a long time, before a backdrop of lower profits caused by higher expenses.

Manipulation and Profit Margins

Central hubs on the web fight off manipulation to keep their status and profit margins in tact. A side effect of this war on control over information access is the butchering of the English language. Digg is Illegal? Digg's CEO Jay Adelson said:

Exploitation of Passion for Profit

Buying Attention & Building Trust With content that you freely distribute you are primarily trying to build relationships with people who don't know you and have never bought from you. Since attention is limited you have to make your content accessible to gain market attention. Highbrow = Low Readership Most potential buyers can not distinguish between great information and average information, but most people...

Baidu’s Net Profit Up 140%

Business is booming for Baidu - the Chinese search engine has reported its second-quarter revenue and net profit, and both figures have doubled (and then some) since last year.  Unlike Google’s earnings, this beats analysts’ forecasts; Baidu’s stock price shot up as a result.

Map Those URL Redirects To Profit

There are right ways to do URL redirection that will make a big difference in one's site performance, as shown in a recent case study about a plumbing website that made their URLs more readable.

Creating Value Then Profit

Shane, an attendee from the first Elite Retreat, posted about why it is not best to monetize a blog right out of the gate: So, your focus at the beginning has to be on attracting and retaining readers. You do that by having a great site, and nothing turns visitors off more than a brand new blog with just a handful of posts and ads splashed everywhere. It says to them that you’re more interested in making money than you are in providing good content.

Plug In And Profit Resale Rights Strategies

If you've ever gone through the process of creating your own info-product or software then you know that while there is profit involved it can be a vigorous and time-consuming process.
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