Online Viewers Prefer Professional Video Content
Sixty-five percent of people who watch video on their computers, mobile devices or digital media players are watching professionally-produced TV programming, including network-and cable-produced shows, news and sports, according to ChoiceStream's 2007 Survey of Viewer Trends in TV & Online Video.That number surpasses the 39 percent of people watching user-generated video by 67 percent and is expected to increase over the next six months as traditional TV viewers begin to shift their viewing habits towards other devices.
7 Questions About Professional Blogging Answered
Get answers to the top questions about professional blogging, including earnings, sustainability, and essential skills.
Professional Associations – Redefine Value
There’s still time for professional associations to redefine their value to members, but I’m not aware of any such initiatives among any of these groups. The clock is ticking.
IABC Takes Professional Development to China
As a long-time member of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) with a strong belief in the value of connecting communicators on a global basis, I was very interested to learn that IABC has partnered with the Shanghai Public Relations Association (SPRA) to bring IABC’s accreditation programme to China.
In a press release yesterday, IABC said:
Psychology Of The Sales Professional
One's attitude has a lot more to do with the level of her/his success than one's aptitude, ability, IQ, education or other factors do.
Professional Blogging: Effective Outsourcing
Professional blogging, as a paid writer for other blogs, has a very bright future. Writing blog posts for other blogs is truly a win-win situation for everyone involved.
Adobe Takes Flash Professional 8 On Tour
Adobe Systems Inc. is taking their Macromedia Flash Professional 8 on tour. The free "Roadshow," reaching Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, and New York, will preview the software to creative professionals, and demonstrate how to use new features in the program.
Recruiting through Professional Associations
If you're looking to recruit the best and brightest, you can find many of them in professional associations. But before you jump in, learn how to do it right.