Saturday, December 21, 2024


BBC Worldwide Predicts Higher Web Revenues

The BBC has often been one of the world’s more forward-looking media companies, and the CEO of BBC Worldwide seems intent on extending that reputation.  John Smith is setting new, higher goals relating to Internet revenues.

Google Evangelist & Internet Founder Predicts Web Future

Google's chief evangelist shared his vision of hope and gloom for the web at the recent Edinburgh International Television Festival. Vinton Cerf, referred by many as one of the web's founding fathers, told of a web future that involved deep space, internet everywhere, and the loss of valuable information.

Bill Gates Predicts End Of Yellow Pages

Technology will advance so far for local advertising that when voice and data truly combine on mobile phones, the usage of venerable yellow page directories to find businesses will be near zero for anyone under 50. Bill Gates Predicts End Of Yellow Pages

Lenssen Predicts The Evolution Of Search

Philipp Lenssen, the resident guru at Google Blogoscoped and a frequent Murdok contributor, has looked far, far into the future, and he's sharing his predictions with the rest of us. They cover the next two technological "levels" of search, and even delve into the intriguing years "beyond."

White Paper Predicts Success For NFC

Near Field Communication (NFC) should take off in the near future, according to a white paper released by Innovision Research & Technology.

Yahoo Staffer Predicts Google Fall

One diviner of the inscrutable GOOG has peered out from the Yahoo enclave in Sunnyvale and forecast a dire fourth quarter earnings report from Google.

Oracle Predicts Maffei Will Make A Good President

The former Microsoft chief financial officer will join the database company as its new president.

Online Betting Service Predicts Another Google IPO Price Drop

Based on Betting Action, Previously Predicted First Google IPO Slash, and Now Says it will Happen Again Based on Onslaught of 'Under' Betting.