Friday, February 7, 2025


Pics from Advanced PR Technology in Practice

The Bulldog Reporter Advanced PR Technology in Practice in San Francisco wrapped up and here are a few photos. One thing is for sure, I need to buy a new camera. Another thing is that the event started out with lots of conversation about using SEO to drive “pull” PR efforts and ended heavy on the social media. It was a great match for TopRank: SEO and social media for public relations.

Advanced PR Technology in Practice

This Friday, March 2nd, I'm speaking at the Bulldog Reporter conference - Advanced PR Technology in Practice, a day-long event discussing how to transform the state of the art into increased visibility, greater ROI and crisis solutions. The event will be held in Los Angeles at The Olympic Collection.

Practice Makes Perfect For SQL

MySQL guru Sheeri Kritzer listed eight SQL best practices for database professionals who are hard at work on their projects.

IT Service Contracts Require Practice

Sometimes after you secure IT service contracts, you might be afraid that your customers might give you more than you can handle, or that you won't be able to deliver service on time.

SEO Tip: Use MSN For Target Practice

SEO Book author Aaron Wall has compiled a stellar beginner's guide to search engine marketing and optimization and has posted it on his weblog. Among the more interesting suggestions Wall makes: make a "burnable" website for MSN and Yahoo!, as they're much easier to game than Google.

Understanding Wikis and Best Practice

Finding out about wikis isn't terribly difficult - there are plenty of descriptions around to help you understand what they are, starting with this one on Wikipedia (itself a wiki).

Corporate Blogging Not A Common Practice

Author David Kline wondered aloud in a blog post today about the lack of corporate blogging taking place, and speculated on what may be holding it back.

How to Launch a New IT Consulting Practice

In the new era of internet marketing, the problem of severe competition comes into the first position.
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